Art for peace among Mosul's youth


Mosul, Iraq

Main topic

Psychosocial support, Art

Total amount of the project

180'000 CHF


1,5 years (july 2023- december 2024)

Number of beneficiaries

991 people

With almost a quarter of Iraq’s population aged between 15 and 24, young people are the backbone of the country’s social, economic and political transformation. However, they are disproportionately affected by conflict. After the Islamic State (EI) occupied much of its territory, much remains to be rebuilt. Iraqi children and young people have been greatly affected by the crisis. They have suffered and sometimes committed high levels of violence. Despite the environment in which they lived and the groups they joined, they must be given the opportunity to build a new narrative for peace.

The aim of the project, implemented by Aid Gate Organization with technical and financial support from Omoana, is to build the capacity, resilience and talents of children and young people affected by conflict through art-based initiatives and protection services. It targets children and young people in detention, as well as those in at-risk communities.

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The approach aims to work at different levels to promote the reintegration of children formerly affiliated to armed groups and contribute to the well-being of young people in the communities. At the individual level, children in conflict with the law are followed up with access to legal services, education and vocational training. Psychological support is also available.

Their families also receive support and advice on how best to care for a child or young person after detention. Children and young people in detention and in the communities receive peace education sessions, to strengthen their social skills and critical thinking and prevent violence. They also benefit from artistic activities to develop their talents and self-confidence. Community youth are also encouraged to lead their own community events on peace-building themes. Tools such as forum theater and mural painting can be used.

AGO and public services social workers also receive training in peace education for young people and in low-intensity psychological services.

With the support of :

  • Canton de la Ville de Bâle

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